DIIMZ Clothing

A B2C website that provides national services to purchase activewear.


  • Research

  • Define

  • Ideate

  • Test

  • Finalize


  • Figma

  • Sketch

  • Miro

  • Google Analytics


Product Designer


8 months


The goal of the project was to create a simple, responsive, and pain-free e-commerce website. I designed a very appealing yet straightforward website for the company, allowing customers to have a seamless experience.  This will not only create recognition for the brand, but trust between the company and it's consumers.


The goal of the project was to create a simple, responsive, and pain-free e-commerce website. I designed a very appealing yet straightforward website for the company, allowing customers to have a seamless experience.  This will not only create recognition for the brand, but trust between the company and it's consumers.











Competitive Analysis

In order to determine how I would approach creating this webpage I completed a competitive analysis between DIIMZ Clothing and a handful of other clothing companies. 

Using my research I was able to determine how to design the site and what functions it would include. Going based off of user feedback, which gave me a better understanding of what users like and dislike, I began the design process.  

I decided to place the navigation right at the top of the page so its the first thing users see. This allows users to:

    1. Get what they need within the first minute of entering the site

    2. Navigate the website much easier and smoother

    3. Let them know what all the website has to offer

Humans are visual creatures by nature, so I included a few items the company offers on the landing page with the prices. This give the users an idea of what type of products the company is selling. Below I included a link to all the clothing items making a smoother transition from the landing page to the shopping page.

Quick links (LEFT) reside within the footer of the page. These links include all that you need to know about ordering with the company, what to do when user encounter issues with items, and what the companies story is.

I also included social media links (RIGHT)for new and returning customers to stay connected with the company. This will keep them informed about old and new items.

When viewing an item I made the layout very simple and easy to understand. The main parts of this page include price, quantity, and a link to add to your cart. Below includes information about the clothing such as materiel, how to maintain, and logo materiel. This will help prevent possible issues such as allergies to materiel.

Final Thoughts and Design

To the right you will see a quick glimpse at the final product. Based on thorough research and user testing I created a website that is simple yet appealing to the eye. Even though the project was a success; I learned so much about what it truly means to create a user friendly experience for people.